I recently received the wonderful news that my wife is pregnant with our first child. After I cut into the special cake she ordered from a local bakery here in Phoenix, Arizona and saw blue instead of pink, I learned it’s going to be a boy. Naturally, one of the first things that came to mind was all the car-related nursery items and toys we could get him to (hopefully) start him off young as a car enthusiast. Then I started thinking of the things I want to teach him about cars at various stages of his childhood and adolescence. Of course, the basic parts and mechanics are a must so cars don’t seem so intimidating. The same goes for how to perform basic maintenance and a tire change. I’ve put things beyond those topics below as if I’m saying them to my son (bear with me if my kid-speak needs some work).

Cars are an Important Part of the World

Photo credit: Mazda

“What are those big noisy things you’re seeing through your window? Those are cars and trucks. They’re very important to a lot of people. They use them to go to different places, like home, the park, the grocery store, and the doctor. They also use them so they can visit their friends and families. Your mom and I used this car we’re in right now to bring you home from the hospital after you were born.”

Cars are a Responsibility

Photo credit: Toyota

“Son, your car might be a lot of fun, but it’s also a responsibility. You need to take care of it, just like our dog. You have to make sure it has what it needs to run right, so check the oil and the other fluids, keep it gassed up, and let me know if the Check Engine Light comes on or if the car is throwing any codes. You also have to make sure it’s safe on the road, so keep an eye on your wiper blades and tires. If one of your lights goes out, it needs to be replaced so that people can see you and know if you’re turning or braking. And if you hear a weird sound – like from your brakes – that means something might be wrong and needs to be fixed. Trust your gut. If you think something is off, let me know. Don’t worry about being wrong. I just want you to be safe.”

How to Be Good Driver

Photo credit: Honda

“Now that you have your license, I want to teach you some things your instructor may not have told you. Just like everywhere else in this world, you’re not the only person on the road. We all have to work together. This is not a race. You don’t need to weave between cars like you’re on a slalom course. And there’s no need to be aggressive. So don’t tailgate people or cut them off. If you need to be somewhere at a certain time, leave early enough so you don’t have to be in a rush. If you’re going to be late, you’re going to be late, so don’t drive like a maniac and put you and other people in danger.”

Being a Good Driver is Not Enough

“I wish I could say that if you do everything right, you don’t have to worry about anything, but I can’t. Just because you’re doing your best out here doesn’t mean everyone else is. Don’t follow other cars too closely so you have enough room and time to brake. Check your surroundings because someone might be veering out of their lane. And make sure you’re keeping an eye on what’s ahead of you in the distance because if someone does something stupid, that may cause a pileup that you don’t want to slam into.”

It’s OK If You’re Not Into Cars

“When your mom and I found out we were going to be parents, we felt so blessed. We didn’t care if you turned out to be a boy or a girl. We just wanted you to be healthy. Of course, I wanted to get you into cars, but if you aren’t, that’s OK, son. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. I just want you to be happy and part of that comes from being yourself. So if you’d rather draw comics like your Uncle Dan or get a finance degree or learn how to be a carpenter, go for it.

But if you do love cars, you can always talk to me about them. Just take it easy on your mom, though – she can only handle so much car talk at a time.”

Cars Will Be Part of Milestones in Your Life

Photo credit: Nissan

“There’s more to cars than just metal and glass and rubber. There’s also a human component to them. They will probably be a part of major moments in your life and you’ll remember each one of them. When your mom and I went on our first date, it was in a Nissan Titan XD with the 5.0-liter Cummins diesel. We drove to the restaurant where I proposed to her in a Buick Enclave Avenir. And I’ll never forgot the car you and I went for our first cruise in.”

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