Charlotte, NC – The Hornets Nest Region, Antique Automobile Club of America, will welcome more than 100,000 collector vehicle devotees to Charlotte AutoFair on the grounds of the famous Charlotte Speedway for four fabulous days of automotive fun April 4-7, 2024.
Hornets Nest Region, AACA
A most important series of events this year is the AACA Zenith Awards (April 4th), the AACA Grand National (April 5th), and the seventeenth annual production of the Charlotte AACA S.E. Spring Nationals (April 6th), all hosted by the Hornets Nest Region. The Zenith Awards will feature AACA vehicles that Judges have selected to represent the best in the hobby. From those on display, the Judges will decide which vehicle will receive the Zenith Award. The Grand National on Friday will include more than 250 pristine vehicles that have achieved Senior status and will be seeking Grand National status. The Southeastern Spring Nationals on Saturday is anticipated to have more than 300 original show vehicles ready for Judging.
Hornets Nest Region, AACA
The AACA Nationals is in a great location in front of the track on Highway US29 – there is no admission fee to walk into the Nationals show field. You can see the vehicles up close and talk with the owners. The Zenith Awards vehicles occupy a special tent on the show field and can be seen on Thursday. Friday and Saturday show vehicles will begin entering at 7:00 AM each day and will be on display for judging until 3:00 PM each day. Awards will be made in the AACA Tent adjacent to the show field at 4:00 PM on Friday and Saturday.
Hornets Nest Region, AACA
The flea market and car corral will be open on Thursday through Sunday with more than 3,000 vendor spaces and all types of automotive goods from old to new. The Speedway charges admission and parking fees to the flea markets.
Mel Carson, Executive Director the Hornets Nest Region says, “The AACA Nationals at Charlotte presents a fine display of automotive history that spans almost one hundred years – Hornets Nest is proud to present these national automotive events in 2024.”
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